
The Rationalist: Why I'm A Men's Rights Activist

In the last edition of the Rationalist, I explained to you in detail what my problems were with feminist orthodoxy in the modern age. My fear in doing that, however, is that I may very well have ended up giving you only half of my political ideology. Here is the other half: I am a men’s rights supporter.

I know. Shock and awe and those very well may be the kind emotions right now, are coming from your computer. There are few things worse that you could declare yourself to be on the internet. I don’t even really know why this is.

Maybe it’s the idea that Elliot Rodger, the psychotic mass murderer, has long been believed to be part of the movement. Maybe it’s RooshV, the noted “pickup artist” who is supposed to be part of the movement as well,  and his frankly backwards understanding of sexual consent. But whatever it is, saying you’re a men’s rights activist appears to be the end of any discussion.  

So on this edition of the Rationalist, we’ll look how I got here and saw if I can’t help dispel, one myth and one step at a time, how it is that I repudiated feminism and became a men’s right activist.

Protecting Our Boys: Part 1 in a series.

There are few things that chill my bones, and send a lightning bolt of fear through me, as fast as the rapidly-growing fetishization of men...