
What I'm Watching: Motor City Machine Guns vs American Wolves

In my last post, I showed you a burly heavyweight tag team war between two teams who were literally purpose-built to have a Hoss Fight, as my friend Thomas Holzerman says. Frankly, that was a match in the wrong country. You put the Steiners at the peak of their powers, and Williams and Gordy not too far off from theirs, in Japan at any point in the 1990's and that match is huge. Huge feels like a disservice to it quite honestly.   But this match isn't that. This is a match of the 21st century. And yet, this feels a bit.... empty. Not because the teams aren't good. They are. It's that, at their apex, they remind you of someone else more than they seem to be unique. When the Motor City Machine Guns are really humming along, they seem like a combination of the Rockers and the Midnight Express. Conversely, with the American Wolves, their aping of the British Bulldogs is stunning. So really, what this match is at its core is a tad bit of wrestling karaoke. But it's not bad wrestling karaoke. In fact, it's very good. Just as long as you understand that the original songs should be seen and heard too.

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