
A Return To Originality

If you remember that I write at all, you probably recall that I wrote for The Starting Five and the Wrestling Blog. While I hope that to be still true, the truth is that I need to get back into the business of just writing. And this blog, right here, is where I'm going to do that.

But it won't just be about sports. The reason for that is simple: because my life isn't just about sports.

 I will post about my life, my goals for it, and my search for someone to spend the rest of my life with.

This blog is called Dangerous O, for a very simple pair of reasons.
Firstly, it is a tribute to Toshiaki Kawada, the man who in every way is a representative of the sort of person I wish to be. Stoic, not given over to excessive emotionality, and highly skilled.

Secondly, it's because in many ways, the opinions that I post here, while not dangerous in the dictionary definition of the term, might very well be unpopular.

For instance, I no longer believe modern 3rd-wave feminism is a net force for good. I believe some of their tenets exist to serve the idea of narrowing sexuality further and further. I will explore this in an upcoming article.

Thank you for reading, and I hope this is the beginning of a beautifully fruitful creative relationship.

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