
A Welcome, and something new on the agenda

Firstly, before I write the rest of this, a big thanks to Thomas Holzerman, Brandon Stroud, and Dirty Dirty Sheets for being nice enough to RT the Team Texas article I posted earlier today. I really do appreciate it, because for a long while, this blog lay dormant and fallow. I didn't post enough, and that's my fault. But that ends. There's enough cool wrestling, both past and present to get lots of cool topics out of. Which actually is the subject of my article today.

Now then, to the subject of today's article. Wrestling is one of the art forms, maybe the ONLY one, that can truly say they have something for everyone and mean it. If you like intensity literally bleeding off of the DVD jacket, watch Anarchy Championship Wrestling, or prime Crockett-era NWA (or heck, even pre-Hogan WCW.) If you want elegant swaths of lucha libre, watch prime AAA or Chikara Pro. If you like hard-hitting, watch New Japan and Pro Wrestling NOAH. And if you like big box wrestling, or the idea of what a modern babyface is, watch the WWE. I'm not telling you what to like. All I'm trying to do is to tell you to like something.

So i ask you, wrestling fan, to find something you enjoy. And i mean truly enjoy. And watch the heck out of it.  Me personally, I love Chikara, prime WCW, and the occasional burst of old WWF before they cut their balls off. If you don't like watching a particular promotion, for whatever reason, don't watch them. You don't have to watch something just to watch it, or out of some sense of loyalty. It's not worth it.

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