
The Rock, and E-Fed Promos

I e-fed. Still. (If you want to find out where I'm fedding at the moment, ask me on Twitter and I will tell you.) But the biggest problem with e-fedding is watching, and reading, these promos that never feel organic. Like they are just doing what they know sounds cool, instead of sitting down to take the time to honestly write from their heart. I've been guilty of this sin myself, so don't think i'm throwing stones from a glass house.

But as I watched the Rock this monday I kept thinking: "I've seen this before." While CM Punk seemed genuinely arrogant, reveling in the knowledge that he was the anti-hero, The Rock seemed to be simply..... trying to be everything. Tough guy for those sections of the audience who want macho tough guys, and funny for the kids who need to be drawn into a feud with sugar and honey. I hated this. And maybe, for the first time, i wasn't alone. Casual fans throughout the internet found themselves watching that entire thing and feeling...... disappointed is the word that comes to mind. Now I am not, despite the impression I give off, some snarky guy who hates all things corporate wrestling. My heart is still warmed by certain things on big-box wrestling. Chief amongst that list, however, is in fact CM Punk. Because in a promotion filled to the brim with nihilists, and men claiming to be one thing while being another (I am looking at you on this one, John Cena), CM Punk has found his way back to himself. And that's something to be treasured.

Now if we can just get the Rock there.

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